How to retrieve attribute from custom query

I created a custom query in BDM queries, it selects the last item in the Param table:

ORDER BY p.persistenceId DESC

I'm trying to use this query in a process variable to retrieve the attribute Price, I tried two ways:



But I got this error:

org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not extract ResultSet Any idea how to do that?

Forms connection with bdm after upgrading Bonita


I have upgraded Bonita from 2021.1 to 2022.1 on a cloned test server before doing it on the production server. Just in case.

The migration was without errors, but I have detected that in all forms, do not load the information from the BDM from custom querys, for example in Combobox.

I was checking the server log and there are no errors. If I run process from Bonita Studio 2022.1 works perfect.

Export the BDM again from Bonita Studio 2022.1 and import to the server with the new version but it didn't solve the problem.

How to store Business Data Object into Database (groovy/java)

For example I have business data object Cup.

I can define it on Groovy script easily.

def new_cup = new Cup();
new_cup.name = "Tiny Cup";
new_cup.description = "Nice tiny cup";
new_cup.ownerId = 5;

But how I can store it into database programmatically now?

How can I deploy the BDM on the server 2022.1

I am using Bonitasoft 2022.1. I try to deploy bdm on the server with Rest API or website, but I always get this error:

'An error occurred when deploying the BDM. Consult the logs for more information.'

In a strange way I found those Tables in my postgreSQL, so I am sure it has added, but I can't use that with my process.

Doing a query on a BDM custom that has a date

Hi Community,

I have a BDM model that contains a list of events that are created by date (DATE ONLY).

I created a custom query to return all events for a period of time. The dateFrom and dateTo are defined as parameters of type java.time.LocalDate

FROM Evenement e
WHERE e.dateEvenement >= :dateFrom
AND c.dateEvenement <= :dateTo

In a page, I used 2 standard date picker with a technical date format of yyyy-MM-dd to get the From and To date and try to query the BDM but it always retunred a 500.

Delete entry from Datatable


I have built a simple bonita live application composed by a some pages. One of these pages is a dashboard that shows a list of BDM elements in a datatable. As far I handle the creation of new entries through a new process, but I would like to handle the DELETE operation setting a "isDeleted" flag of a specific bdm entry to true and prevent to show it in the datatable.

Postgres Large Objects

We have several fields in the DBM with type TEXT. The engine previously converted these to large objects (lo) in PostgreSQL. We just upgrading to 2021.2u0 and we are seeing new data stored in the field with plain text and not creating large objects. Did the usage of Postgres LO get depreciated?

Not able to Install BDM in tomcatBundle

I Did the Set in setup folder by using commend

setup.bat init --> It created the Bonita Tables in the PostgreSQL after the I gave

setup configure

After this, I run start tomcat by command start-bonita.bat now I am able to open super administrator login in that I added

1. Organization is working fine

2. After that I try to add BDM so that I stopped BPM Service then export BDM from my studio and install it in tomcat

Pierre-yves Monnet's picture
Pierre-yves Monnet

If you have some "reference" data in your BDM (like a list of countries, a list of airports, etc.) or this kind of list is stored in an external database?

BookMobile saves your day! With that page, just reference the BDM you want to access or any external database you like and you will be able to directly add, edit, search data.

Releases for BookMobile - Edit directly any BDM object, or external reference table

Total downloads: 1 006
Version BonitaBPM Version Post date Download Link to content
1.0 7.12.x, 7.11.x, 7.10.x 2021-May-26 Download
Release note

Error to get data in the form from a database where you have done manual loading from a csv

I have bonitasoft 7.10 and I connected it with mariadb. When I create cases I can get the values ​​from the database with the bdm. The problem is that when I upload the data to that same database from a csv then I cannot see that data in my form. It only shows the ones loaded by the platform. If anyone knows what is happening please I would appreciate your support.

Thank you
